One who enshrines love for Gur Shabad [the Lotus Feet of ] the Lord of the Universe — by the Grace of the Saints, her mind becomes pure; night and day, she remains awake and aware, singing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. || 1 || Pause ||
On the first day of the lunar cycle, contemplate the Beloved Lord.
He is playing within the heart; He has no body — He is Infinite.
The pain of death never consumes that person who remains absorbed in the Primal Lord God. || 2 ||
On the second day of the lunar cycle, know that there are two beings within the fiber of the body.
Maya and God are blended with everything.
God does not increase or decrease.
He is unknowable and immaculate; He does not change. || 3 ||
On the third day of the lunar cycle, one who maintains his equilibrium amidst the three modes finds the source of ecstasy and the highest status.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, faith wells up. Outwardly, and deep within, God’s Light is always radiant. || 4 ||
On the fourth day of the lunar cycle, restrain your fickle mind, and do not ever associate with sexual desire or anger.
On land and sea, He Himself is in Himself.
He Himself meditates and chants His Chant. || 5 ||
On the fifth day of the lunar cycle, the five elements expand outward.
Men are occupied in the pursuit of gold and women.
How rare are those who drink in the pure essence of the Lord’s Love.
They shall never again suffer the pains of old age and death. || 6 ||
On the sixth day of the lunar cycle, the six chakras run in six directions.
Without enlightenment, the body does not remain steady.
So erase your duality and hold tight to forgiveness, and you will not have to endure the torture of karma or religious rituals. || 7 ||
On the seventh day of the lunar cycle, know the Word as True, and you shall be accepted by the Lord, the Supreme Soul.
Your doubts shall be eradicated, and your pains eliminated, and in the ocean of the celestial void, you shall find peace. || 8 ||
On the eighth day of the lunar cycle, the body is made of the eight ingredients.
Within it is the Unknowable Lord, the King of the supreme treasure.
The Guru, who knows this spiritual wisdom, reveals the secret of this mystery.
Turning away from the world, He abides in the Unbreakable and Impenetrable Lord. || 9 ||
On the ninth day of the lunar cycle, discipline the nine gates of the body.
Keep your pulsating desires restrained.
Forget all your greed and emotional attachment; you shall live throughout the ages, eating the fruit of immortality. || 10 ||
On the tenth day of the lunar cycle, there is ecstasy in all directions.
Doubt is dispelled, and the Lord of the Universe is met.
He is the Embodiment of light, the incomparable essence. He is stainless, without stain, beyond both sunshine and shade. || 11 ||
On the eleventh day of the lunar cycle, if you run in the direction of the One, you will not have to suffer the pains of reincarnation again.
Your body will become cool, immaculate and pure.
The Lord was said to be far away, but He is found near at hand. || 12 ||
[G G S page 343]
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